Most Haunted--Spend 24 hours in an old, spooky location in Europe with a medium, a parapsychologist and a film crew
A Haunting-The show chronicles some of the scariest true experiences of individuals dwelling in haunted establishments
Dead Famous--Search for dead celebrities with a psychic-sensitive and a skeptic in their previous dwellings
signs information experience activities activity apparitions nde NDEs spiritual presence spirit spector spirits entity entities picture spooky story stories guidance ghost haunting haunted haunt house houses pics pictures photo photograph orb cemetary cemetery cemetaries talking board danger true real life stories story after-life impending after death past lives afterlife miracle earth bound other side tunnel light dark purgatory higher lower plane out of body Raymond Moody Dannion Brinkley being experiences level levels path dimension die died eternal eternity hell heaven stage stages sinner astral suicide faith soul souls God good virtues blessed bad order heirarchy hierarchy divine seraphim cherubim domination help protection protect message power encounter accounts communication communicate guidance reincarnation