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Ghosts and the Paranormal--Lists the different kinds of spirits and the stages of a haunting
What Are Ghosts?--Explains the different types of hauntings
Zerotime Ghost Pages--When and where can you find phantoms and poltergeists
Ghost Research Society--Famous haunted cemetaries; Check out "Anatomy of an Investigation" which contains insight on hauntings and paranormal activity
Spiritual Possession and Spiritual Psychic Protection
Characteristics of a Demonic Haunting
Residual Haunting vs. Demonic Haunting
Spirit Release vs. Demon Binding
Wierd and Spooky Places in the United States
America's Most Haunted: Myrtles Plantation in the United States
The Haunted Diary

Ghostly Pictures

What do ghosts look like?--Ghosts do not usually take the form of a human being
Ghosts, Anomalies and the Unexplained Caught on Film
Ghosts of Tombstone--These ghostly photos will give you the chills
Famous Pictures of ghosts. These are not orbs but ghastly forms of people.

Ghostly TV Shows

Most Haunted--Spend 24 hours in an old, spooky location in Europe with a medium, a parapsychologist and a film crew
A Haunting-The show chronicles some of the scariest true experiences of individuals dwelling in haunted establishments
Dead Famous--Search for dead celebrities with a psychic-sensitive and a skeptic in their previous dwellings

Ouija Boards

The Ouija Board--Basics of the talking board
Museum of Talking Boards--Detailed information about ouija boards
Ouijalogogy--Explains how to use the ouija board
Ask the Psychic about Ouija Boards
Ouija: Not a Game

Near Death Experiences

Near Death Experiences and The After-life--A very spiritual page. Interesting theories about the after-life from people who have had profound NDEs.
Spirit Online NDEs--Detailed info on NDEs
Insights into the Afterlife--Another spiritual FAQ on NDEs
Articles by P.H. Atwater on Near Death Experiences--Research and insight to NDEs; More information on frightening NDEs
Near-death Experience Personal Accounts
NDE: Is There a Hell?--Research on people who have had gone to "hell" and back
Coping with Frightening Near Death Experiences

The Realm of Heaven and Hell


Elevated Therapy: Angels
Otherplane Angels--What is the difference between an angel and a guardian angel?
Messages from Archangels--communicated through Clairvoyant Lady Aryella
Catholic Online Angels Page
Angels: The Dangers and the Blessings--Explains the difference between a good angel and a demon.


Warning Signs of Demonic Possession
Spirit Possession And How To Avoid It
Demon FAQ
Exorcism--A description of the ritual
The Catholic ritual of exorcism
Demonic Deceptions--What is their purpose?
Father Gabriele Amorth, Catholic exorcist--An Interview with the Church's leading Exorcist (below the chart reading)
Emily Rose: The Real Story of Anneliese Michel's Exorcism
Priest Performs Real Exorcism in St. Louis: The Truth Behind the Movie [The Exorcist]

Spirit Guides

Who are Spirit Guides?--Also check out the homepage
Spirit Guide FAQ
Spirit Guides
Talied's-Spirit Guides--A psychic's perspective on spirit guides
Working with Spirit Guides--Explanation of how a spirit guide works with you

Soul Mates

Soul Mates & Soul Groups--A psychic's perspective about soul mates


Choosing Your Karma
Soul Bonds

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(co.)K Roach

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