Alien Abductions Case Histories Beyond The Unexplained--An interview with Eve Lorgen who researches alien abduction phenomena
Alien Races--Descriptions of each of the reported alien races
Dan Sherman Interview--Sherman was assigned by the Air Force to communicate with aliens telepathically; it was a top secret and called the Above Black Project
ZetaTalk--Revelations from a psychic who channels aliens called Zetas. Interesting page...
Paranormal News Anomalies--Do you think Chris Carter (Director of The X-files) got his script ideas from these unusual accounts?
The Gloaming's Site for the Paranormal--Demonology, legends and myths, secret societies, crytzoology, conspiracies
Parascope--Government conspiracies and the paranormal
Weird Wisconsin--Nosferatu, creatures, aliens and UFOs, occult and demons
The Shadowlands: Mysteries & The Unexplained--Mysterious creatures, lake monsters and serpents, spontanous human combustion, bigfoot, more on UFOs, and pyramid mysteries